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Hi, I'm Jag (he/him)! I'm involved in mutual aid, Palestinian, environmental, abolitionist, and open source movements. I'm currently distroing free zines and masks through Durian Distro, involved with a multitude of mutual aid projects, and running some free online services on Aangat Lahat.
I also worked as a designer and a programmer for Delta Chat (2024), Internet Archive (2024), Tor Project (2023 to 2024), and DuckDuckGo (2013 to 2023). Check out my Uses This interview where I geek out about the tools that I'm using. I have an even older interview from a lifetime ago at CodePen. I've made some interviews myself around that time too through Friends Talk Frontend! Here's my CV.
I grew up in the Philippines, and I'm now living in occupied Lenapehoking territory or so-called Philadelphia.
This website is more of a wiki than a blog, so things are not necessarily dated on here. I write new entries and update old ones as well. Please, have a look around!
Right now I've been doing a lot of foraging and fermenting. I love that I'm getting to know the plants around me and preserving them. Also, it's free and it's a simple way to gift the product to people.
Mutual aid & Direct Action
I learned about mutual aid when the COVID pandemic started, and I was hooked on the idea. I want to live in a world where we care for and protect each other. Doing mutual aid has introduced me to the idea of direct action as well where we act instead of petitioning to politicians and companies.
My interest in computing right now is how it intersects with mutual aid, the impending ecological collapse brought by capitalism, and privacy in the age of surveillance capitalism.
This is where everything else goes.
No copyright
Do whatever you the fuck you want with anything in here. Steal, copy, distribute, modify, even sell the contents of this website.
Mastodon: and
Other websites
Zines and masks: Durian Distro
Bookmarks: Betula
Photos: Flickr