When I was in highschool around 2006 or 2007, I ran into a pubnix called Anapnea.net. It doesn't exist anymore, but it was a place where I learned how to SSH and run some Linux commands, and it's where I made my very first website, too!
I'm really grateful for it, and I wanted to do the same by running my own pubnix! It's not just because I wanted people to learn computing the way I did, but I think it also helps me learn multi-user system administration on OpenBSD.
Recently, I've been learning how to:
Run a Gemini server
Setup a mailserver
Take care of file and directory permissions
Make a robust server policy
Set up a multiplayer game (Swords of Freeport)
Take a look at twentytwo.town! If you want an account, let me know!
Anti-copyright. Everything is in the public domain. Feel free to copy and adapt anything on this website.